title is your own

title is your own

love is a word you used so vaguely just to keep me wrapped in your ego fulled hands. i actually thought you liked me but this very morning that all changed you decided to rip my heart out of my chest. how can you sleep knowing you left my with a gaping black hole in my chest. you laugh with your friends and yet im the hurt and damaged one but why im i like this when you are the one who left me not the other way around.. i told you thing know one knew and you blur it out to the world. started today with a sense of hope but it burnt and blasted into a million billion pieces. first your neglect of a hug which by the why meant so much to me , then the whole day you and your friends sorry wait no actually they were my friends . and you want to speak about the ex whos horrid um sorry that is you not me. you the one who sent someone who im so close to , to break the terrible news that you dont like me . so yeah right now im in my black and white room on my black laptop with my mascra running down my face so ex this is for you and what you have done to ruin my fav day

try me

try me

im no longer afraid of those who despise me and my life. if im being despised for things that fulfill my life and help others than thats there problem. im no longer fighting against who i want to be, im letting my heart the control of what really needs to go down. even though it means standing alone. im no longer afraid to show people who i am as who i am is who i want to be and it makes me happy..

this is my story my life and im ready to open up.

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